Demonized Priest - Necromantik Ritual CD

Vrykoblast Production/Satanath Records
New album "Necromantic Rituals" of Chilean speed/black metal band Demonized Priest is out now!
DEMONIZED PRIEST began its dark journey in speed black metal as a one-man band of "Baal, The Unhuman" in early 2018, near the cold shores of the Pacific Ocean, in San Antonio, Chile. But it wasn't until August 29 that "Sadistic Torture", the first studio EP, was edited and released by Evil Steel Records, from Santiago, Chile. It was highly acclamed by the American and European critics, specially because of the "old school" sound and high range screams mixed with black metal growls. After that, The Illegal Demon joins the band to take over the guitars and the amazing Sebastián Avilés M. on drums. At the beginning of 2019 the ideas and riffs for the upcoming abomination were mostly complete, but due to a few complications, the LP was recorded between July and August of that year. After the first presentation on January 2020, Sebastián leaves the band, but joins three new members, Krayt on bass and backing growls, Okkultus on guitars and L. Anativia on guitars too. Then debut full-length "Necromantic Rituals" was recorded.
"Necromantic Rituals" shows the band evolution, making a more aggressive and thrashy sounding style than "Sadistic Torture", with lyrics full of blasphemy and witchcraft spells, but keeping the speed black metal essence untouched. The album represents rage, anger and hate towards religion and its cattle. Strongly recommended for fans of old school and new school speed black metal sound and bands like DESTRÖYER 666, BEWITCHER, KING DIAMOND, WHIPSTRIKER, SPEEDWOLF, WITCHNIGHT, HELLHAMMER, BONEHUNTER, MIDNIGHT, CHAPEL, CRUEL FORCE, AURA NOIR.
01. Within The Pentagram
02. Collector Of Corpses And Souls
03. ...Of Blood And Chaos
04. Witch's Unholy Creations
05. Serpent's Rites
06. The Altar
07. Sexto Infierno (Invocación)
08. Horns Above The Sky